44 must-know social media statistics for January 2016

by Digital Admin February 01, 2016

44 must-know social media statistics for January 2016

Having the latest social media statistics, information and data at your fingertips makes your strategies and creative ideas more relevant and successful.  We’ve done the research for you, compiling 44 must-know social media statistics and updates for January 2016.

Global Facebook Statistics

1. There are 1.01 billion daily active users on Facebook.

2. There are 894 million mobile daily active users on Facebook.


Australian Facebook Statistics

3. The 14 million Australians on Facebook make it our top social media site.

4. 6,600,000 (47%) of Australian Facebookers are men.

5. 7,500,000 (53%) of Australian Facebookers are women.

6. There are 1,900,000 Australian women aged 25-34 on Facebook, the largest demographic by age and gender.

7. There are 410,000 Australian men aged 65+ on Facebook, the smallest demographic by age and gender.

Facebook Australia Demographics table with age and gender data

8. Unsurprisingly New South Wales accounts for the largest demographic of Australians by state with 4,500,000 (31%) of the population.

Facebook Australia demographic data location by state January 2016

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Twitter statistics

9. There are 320 million monthly active users (MAU) on Twitter.

10. 80% of those users are using a mobile device.

11. There are 2,800,000 Australians on Twitter.top twitter hashtags

12. The top three reasons for brand advocacy on Twitter are: high quality products, rewards and having received great customer service.

13. The top global trending hashtags on Twitter in 2015 included: #parisattacks #prayforparis #blacklivesmatter #lovewins #istandwithahmed #brusselslockdown.

14. Top trending Australian hasthags on Twitter in 2015 included: #auspol #qanda #refugeeswelcome.


Instagram statistics

15. There are 75 million daily active users on Instagram.

16. There are 5 million Australians on Instagram.

17. 97% of all engagements on Instagram are likes.

18. 92% of all Instagram posts are photos.

19. Early in 2015 Instagram was growing at a rate of 1.95%, this has slowed dramatically to 0.23% in December 2015.

20. Engagement on Instagram dropped by over 60% from April to December 2015.


Social Media Statistics

21. YouTube is Australia’s second favourite social media site (after Facebook) with 13,900,000 active visitors.

22. WordPress is Australia’s favourite blogging platform and third most popular social media site with 5,700,000 visitors.


Top Australian sites table January 2016

23. Mobile networks SnapChat and Instagram are Australia’s top two fastest-growing social networks with 2,000,000 and 5,000,000 active users respectively.


24. Quiet-achiever Flickr remains as one of Australia’s top ten social media sites with slow and steady growth through 2015.

Fastest growing Australia 2016

25. 22% of senior marketers plan to spend more on Snapchat advertising in 2016.

26. 72% of marketers are interested in putting advertising budgets towards Instagram.

27. 12.4 million Australians will make at least one digital purchase this year, up from 12.1 million in 2015.

28. 49% of Australians access the internet daily.

Quiillion biz

29. 56% of large Australian businesses have a social media presence, only 46% advertise on social media.smart-phones

30. 32% of medium Australian businesses have a social media presence and 32% advertise on social media.

31. The most popular times of day for accessing social media sites is first thing in the morning, after work and last thing before going to sleep.

32. Although not in the top ten most popular Australian sites, we still actively use Vine, Pinterest, Yelp, Google+ and Pinterest.

33. 70% of Australians access social networks with their Smartphones.

34. Although mobile access is most popular the laptop and desktop experience is still important with 52% and 28%  of Australians  accessing social media sites from them.


Content Statistics

35. Content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without relevant images.

36. Coloured visuals increase people’s willingness to read a piece of content by 80%.

37. Shoppers who view video are 1.81X more likely to purchase than non-viewers.

38. There are 8 billion daily video views on Facebook.

39. In July 2015, Periscope users were watching 40 years’ worth of videos every day.

40. Infographics are liked and shared on social media 3 times more than other any other type of content.

41. Visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content.

42. Tweets with images received 150% more retweets than tweets without images.

43. 65% of brand video posts are now using Facebook native video.

44. Facebook native videos receive almost 70% more reach and almost double the engagement of YouTube links.

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