Here’s why we’re different.
We’re refreshingly practical.
We’re specific to you.
We’re really mobile.
We’re well-versed in the industry.
We’re bespoke.
Risk Training
Mini Risk Workshop
Suitable for low-risk, non-customer-facing clients, with few complaints.
½ Day TrainingRisk Essentials
Suitable for medium-risk, customer-facing clients, who receive regular complaints and experience occasional crises.
1 Day TrainingAdvanced Risk Masterclass
Suitable for medium to high-risk, customer-facing clients, who receive regular complaints and/or deal with sensitive issues like health and finance
2 Day TrainingCommunity and Social Media Training
Management 101
Suitable for clients who understand the value of building a community as a long-term asset.
1 Day TrainingSocial Media 101
Suitable for clients with minimal social media presence and/or experience, seeking to safely and sustainably invest in an online communication strategy.
1 Day TrainingCommunity Content and Strategy Masterclass
Suitable for clients with an understanding of current platforms and social media policies in place, seeking to develop a sustainable content strategy.
2 Day TrainingCustomer Service for Social Media
Suitable for clients with current platforms and channels in place, focusing on best practice, tone of voice refinement and solving issues within the platforms.
1 Day TrainingSocial Media Training for Customer Service Staff
Suitable for clients who haven’t worked on social media previously and don’t have established platforms or channels. This is an introductory training.
1 Day TrainingResilience Training for Community & Social Media Managers
Suitable for clients for Social Media and Community managers. This focuses on buidling resilience online, reducing stress and staff burn-out.
1 Day TrainingMentoring
Suitable for community managers working in teams of less than three, seeking to enhance personal development and community management learning.
2 – 3 Hour TrainingAdvanced Mentoring
Suitable for community managers with more than two years’ experience, seeking to enhance personal development and community management understanding.
2 – 3 Hour Training