Self Care Challenge for Community Managers

by Digital Admin October 10, 2016

The Internet never sleeps and neither, it seems, do some community managers! Not only does all work and no play make Jack a dull boy, it’s also a surefire way to burn out. Practising regular self-care can help you and your team to manage stress, provide balance and maintain emotional wellbeing.

The trick to developing a good self-care practise is to make it a habit. Last month, Quiip launched a Self Care Challenge for our community managers. We each chose one activity that make us feel good and committed to practising it each day for an entire month. To keep track, we pinned a printable chart around our workspaces as a handy reminder and marked off each day. At the end of the challenge, each team member indulged in their nominated reward.

In honour of Mental Health Week, we invite you to start your own workplace challenge! Download our chart and encourage your team to set aside time each day to focus on themselves. As inspiration, we’ve created a list of 100 simple self-care activities. Those marked with an asterix were favourites of our Quiipees! Be sure to let us know how you go in the comments.

Step away from the computer
Take a walk around the block*
Prepare a delicious meal full of colourful veggies
Head to bed early
Sleep in late
Get a manicure or pedicure
Eat at your dining table – not the couch!*
Treat yourself to a massage
Go to the gym
Try something new
Read a book
Have coffee with a mate
Go for a drive
Go for a bushwalk
Go skating
Start a gratitude journal
Do yoga*
Listen to a comedy podcast
Listen to your favourite audiobook
Treat yourself to lunch
Read the news
Watch TV
Turn the music up and dance
Tidy up for 10 minutes
Plane or train watch
Eat a piece of fruit
Bake some cupcakes
Write down how you feel*
Do some meal prep
Have some screen-free time
Listen to music
Have a bubble bath
Go for a swim
Sit in the sun
Talk to a good friend
Talk to someone you haven’t been in touch with in a while
Organise your to-do list
Help someone selflessly
Walk the dog*
Cuddle the cat
Ask for help on an outstanding project
Faff around aimlessly
Read a magazine
Colour in
Do a crossword, logic or sudoku puzzle
Do a jigsaw puzzle
Play in a kids park
Set yourself some achievable goals
Go window-shopping
Hire a cleaner
Have a picnic
Go to the movies
Wander around a farmer’s market
Start a journal
Play an instrument*
Sing your heart out
Explore a new area of your city
Have a Netflix marathon
Practice good sleep hygiene*
Use the Smiling Mind app
Water the plants
Bounce on a trampoline
Drink a big glass of water
Turn your phone off for an hour
Pick some flowers
Plan your next holiday
Visit a museum or art gallery
Take a stroll around the botanic gardens
Stretch for ten minutes*
Play a video game
Walk barefoot on the grass
Build a nest of pillows and blankets
Visit your grandparents
Try a new recipe
Take a martial arts class
Slide around the floor in your socks
Ask for an extension on your deadline
Turn your Out Of Office message on
Plan a weekend away
Get smoochy with your significant other
Volunteer with a charity
Dress up for no reason
Go to the beach
Practice your faith
Watch cartoons
Clean your desk
Burn some incense or scented candles
Write a poem
Pin up happy photos around your desk
Chat with a colleague
Have a foot spa
Spend time with your kids / nieces / nephews


Require assistance with your sensitive or high-risk community? Need guidance on mental health risk management and best practice protocols for social media? Quiip can help.








