Some of our government clients:

Quiip works with Federal, State and Local governments in areas such as justice, law, health, and youth.
Our partnerships have included:
Federal Government
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
- Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)
- Australian Electoral Commission
- Services Australia
- Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) - Tourism Australia
- Digital Marketplace Panel 2 (DMP2): Professional & Consulting Services
NSW State Government
- Transport for NSW
- Service NSW
- NSW Department of Communities & Justice
- NSW Cancer Institute
- NSW Department of Industry & Environment
- NSW Department of Primary Industries
- NSW Health
- NSW Department of Families & Communities (FACs)
- Advertising and Digital Communications Services Scheme (SCM2701)
Victorian State Government
- Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth)
- Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (VRGF)
- Turning Point (Eastern Health)
- Victoria Police
- Victorian Marketing Services Register (MSR)
Other State Governments
- Commerce WA
- SA Dept of Premier & Cabinet
- Queensland – Marketing & Communications List
Local Governments
- City of West Torrens
- City of Onkaparinga