Six things we learned from the 2021 ACM State of Community report

The community management industry as a standalone discipline is still relatively new in Australia, making it difficult for community managers to understand their space in the ecosystem and benchmark their salary, title and job conditions.  The annual Australian Community Managers State of Community Management Survey, originally launched in 2015, attempts to address this data gap… Continue reading Six things we learned from the 2021 ACM State of Community report

Why we don’t need an Instagram for kids

Facebook executives have announced work on an Instagram offering for children under 13, following on from the company’s rollout of the Facebook Messenger for Kids product last year. Instagram currently has an age requirement of 13, not that it is enforced. A specific kids app should alleviate some fears parents have over the social network,… Continue reading Why we don’t need an Instagram for kids

Facebook’s new feature to limit or turn off comments: what you need to know

Community managers have a new tool at their disposal with the ability to turn off Facebook comments rolling out this month. Similar to the comment-limiting feature on Twitter, the new option gives users the chance to choose who can comment on posts, out of ‘Public’, ‘Friends’ or ‘Profiles and Pages you mention.’ Comments will be… Continue reading Facebook’s new feature to limit or turn off comments: what you need to know

Alternatives to Facebook for audience engagement and community building

The sudden decision by Facebook to remove news from their platform in Australia in February created huge collateral damage. Thousands of non-news organisations, from domestic violence hotlines to emergency weather channels and small arts organisations were caught up in the ban, losing temporary access to their pages and unable to post updates from their own… Continue reading Alternatives to Facebook for audience engagement and community building

How to launch a podcast group or community on Facebook

It’s no secret that podcasts are having a major moment right now, with more than 1.6 million Australians now downloading podcast content at least monthly. Podcasts are partly popular because they allow us to multitask. Unlike blogs and videos, you can consume podcasts while driving, exercising or cleaning. But there is something intimate about the… Continue reading How to launch a podcast group or community on Facebook

Why banning anonymous comments won’t make the internet better

As the dust settles on Justice Rothman’s ruling in the Dylan Voller defamation case, publishers face a major challenge. While responsible for libelous comments left on their own websites, this ruling sets the precedent that publishers will be responsible for comments left on platforms like Facebook. This is a problem. Publishers – and their followers… Continue reading Why banning anonymous comments won’t make the internet better

Categorized as Risk

Tips for building community with Facebook groups

Although Facebook groups are a relatively new addition to the tools and platforms used to build online communities, they are already proving popular with brands keen to foster more peer-to-peer engagement with their networks, rather than social marketing “at” people one way via a Facebook business page. The most successful online communities in the world… Continue reading Tips for building community with Facebook groups

The risk of solo community management

Does all your company’s social media sit with just one Community Manager? Cue the alarm bell! The 2018 Australian Community Managers Career Survey showed that 38 per cent of organisations have one or fewer people dedicated to managing their always-on social channels. Which – aside from one exhausted Community Manager – also means your company… Continue reading The risk of solo community management

5 ways community managers can help prevent cyber bullying

Twenty percent of young Australians aged 8–17 experience cyber bullying. Victims of cyber bullying are at four times the risk of depression and twice as likely to self-harm. Other long-lasting effects include a higher risk of theft, school suspension, binge drinking, and drug use. And, of course, we know cyber bullying can drive young people to suicide.… Continue reading 5 ways community managers can help prevent cyber bullying