Mastering uncertainty: Why you should have a risk management matrix

A risk management matrix is a tool organisations use to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks associated with their online presence. Online environments are dynamic and crises can escalate quickly — causing significant impacts on organisational reputation. A matrix encourages a proactive approach by anticipating potential risks instead of responding to them after they have… Continue reading Mastering uncertainty: Why you should have a risk management matrix

The dark side of dark posts on Facebook

As community managers, moderating from the social media trenches, we are witnessing a concerning, but distinct, decline in the way people behave in the comments. After years of cultivating moderated spaces, it can be a frustrating experience. Read our tips on mitigating brand damage when utilising dark ads. Seasoned community managers find ourselves in a… Continue reading The dark side of dark posts on Facebook

Why banning anonymous comments won’t make the internet better

As the dust settles on Justice Rothman’s ruling in the Dylan Voller defamation case, publishers face a major challenge. While responsible for libelous comments left on their own websites, this ruling sets the precedent that publishers will be responsible for comments left on platforms like Facebook. This is a problem. Publishers – and their followers… Continue reading Why banning anonymous comments won’t make the internet better

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