The risk of solo community management

Does all your company’s social media sit with just one Community Manager? Cue the alarm bell! The 2018 Australian Community Managers Career Survey showed that 38 per cent of organisations have one or fewer people dedicated to managing their always-on social channels. Which – aside from one exhausted Community Manager – also means your company… Continue reading The risk of solo community management

15 tips for people in distress online

Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash

As a brand or organisation you might think a suicidal or distressed post won’t appear on your facebook page or array of social channels. But when it’s 10pm and a user sends a distressing snapchat to your brand account, what do you do? These types of posts will catch you off guard if you’re not… Continue reading 15 tips for people in distress online

Facebook Groups – What, Why, Who?

Guest post by Tim Hanslow  We’re all familiar with Facebook groups, those little walled-off corners of the internet where conversations hinge around a topic. But how do you get the most out of them? And what should you watch out for? Let’s get into it. Group Types Facebook groups can be one of 3 types:… Continue reading Facebook Groups – What, Why, Who?

Calendar of Community Management Events and Conferences

Quiip is made up of a team of remote community managers. We spend most of our time working from home and talking to people on The Internet. So, we know how beneficial it is to get together with other community managers, in real life, to swap stories and experiences. It’s also a really great reason to get out… Continue reading Calendar of Community Management Events and Conferences

7 reasons community management is priceless

Community management is a highly misunderstood and underrated role. We know from experience that community can and does work for brands. Yet, many brands continue to use social media as broadcast and advertising channels, which also has it’s benefits, but are missing the big opportunities community has to offer. 1. It saves you time, and time… Continue reading 7 reasons community management is priceless

Psychological Qualities of Trolls and How to Handle Them

Trolls happen. But it’s the decision you take in reacting to them that can affect your brand. For the amount of trolling that occurs, there has limited research into the topic; Claire Hardaker led the way in 2010 with a look into the content generated by trolling – concluding that there were four fundamentals to… Continue reading Psychological Qualities of Trolls and How to Handle Them

10 Essential Podcasts for Community Managers

Podcasts can be a great way for community managers to explore changing attitudes, deep-dive into a new field of knowledge, or mentally reset after a demanding day. But with so many podcasts available, where do you start? Quiip has assembled a list of essential podcasts designed to inform and entertain. Community Signal Community Signal will… Continue reading 10 Essential Podcasts for Community Managers

8 online communities for mental health and wellbeing

It may surprise you to hear that each year one in five Australians will experience mental illness. Approximately four percent will experience a major depressive episode, and 14% will be affected by an anxiety disorder. Mental health concerns also represent the third largest cause of disability burden in Australia, accounting for an estimated 27% of… Continue reading 8 online communities for mental health and wellbeing

Freedom of Speech and Social Media

It’s been a big year for the freedom of speech discussion. Mack Horton spoke out against doping in sport, pundits continue to debate Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and US conservative Milo Yiannopoulos was accused of launching a malicious campaign against Leslie Jones. While Twitter took a stand by banning Yiannopoulos, many have… Continue reading Freedom of Speech and Social Media