It’s a delight to introduce Senior Community Manager & Assistant Team Lead, Kellie Barnes, who divides her time between Scotland and Australia. We’ve been fortunate enough to have Kellie on the Quiip team for over eight years, where her long-standing career in the community management space is valued by clients and colleagues alike. When did… Continue reading Meet the Team: Kellie
Tag: community management
Podcasts for Community Managers, 2023 Edition
Podcasts are a great way to learn on the go. They’re generally free, entertaining and often provide deep dives into a number of niche topics. With so many out there, it can be hard to find a place to start. That’s why Quiip has assembled a list of new and old favourites to kick off… Continue reading Podcasts for Community Managers, 2023 Edition
Meet the Team: Sophie
When you partner with Quiip you get the opportunity to work with a team of 24 wonderful community and social media managers. All whom bring their own fascinating stories, lives, perspectives and skills to the hive mind. To kick the new year, we’re thrilled to introduce Junior Community Manager, Sophie Burns. When did you join… Continue reading Meet the Team: Sophie
How to nurture your internal community to drive a vibrant remote work culture
Thanks to a steady shift to flexible, remote, and hybrid models — work life is more online than ever before. Should you be cultivating an online community for employees in the same way you do for customers?
How to measure and express the ROI of your online community
While it’s not simple, being able to understand and articulate ROI is a powerful way to garner internal support for strengthening your online community.
Six things we learned from the 2021 ACM State of Community report
The community management industry as a standalone discipline is still relatively new in Australia, making it difficult for community managers to understand their space in the ecosystem and benchmark their salary, title and job conditions. The annual Australian Community Managers State of Community Management Survey, originally launched in 2015, attempts to address this data gap… Continue reading Six things we learned from the 2021 ACM State of Community report
How to shut down an online community gracefully
Australian financial brand The Barefoot Investor made uncharacteristically unwelcome news earlier this year when it retired its membership program and closed its online community. Founder Scott Pape is launching a new offering that requires the change, but community members said they felt disrespected and left in the lurch about the way it was handled. There… Continue reading How to shut down an online community gracefully
The risk of solo community management
Does all your company’s social media sit with just one Community Manager? Cue the alarm bell! The 2018 Australian Community Managers Career Survey showed that 38 per cent of organisations have one or fewer people dedicated to managing their always-on social channels. Which – aside from one exhausted Community Manager – also means your company… Continue reading The risk of solo community management
Facebook Groups – What, Why, Who?
Guest post by Tim Hanslow We’re all familiar with Facebook groups, those little walled-off corners of the internet where conversations hinge around a topic. But how do you get the most out of them? And what should you watch out for? Let’s get into it. Group Types Facebook groups can be one of 3 types:… Continue reading Facebook Groups – What, Why, Who?
7 reasons community management is priceless
Community management is a highly misunderstood and underrated role. We know from experience that community can and does work for brands. Yet, many brands continue to use social media as broadcast and advertising channels, which also has it’s benefits, but are missing the big opportunities community has to offer. 1. It saves you time, and time… Continue reading 7 reasons community management is priceless